Sunday, 30 August 2015

Wellington - I'm coming back!!!!!

A little off topic as I'm just meant to be working towards my last goal of a sub 2 hours half  BUT ... I just discovered this afternoon I have won (YES THAT'S RIGHT - I WON!!!!) entry to the Wellington Marathon next July!  I won't be entering the full marathon but I will be taking up the offer and going back for a second attempt at the half.  I completed it for the first time this July but had decided I wasn't heading back next year because of the cost.  Well that is all changing now.  Getting my entry like I have means I can give it another shot.  Yay.   I'm just a little more than excited really.  And I guess that also means I have something to keep me training over the beginning of the winter months again next year.  So Wellington - I will see you again in 2016!


  1. awesome! how did you manage that? was it a spot prize from the event in July?

  2. awesome! how did you manage that? was it a spot prize from the event in July?

    1. Prize for doing the Powerade survey after July's event :) I was the lucky winner so received entry to next year, powerade drink bottle and tub of powerade.
