Saturday, 20 January 2018

Week Two

I am quite pleased with what I have achieved this week.  I started Monday with a 7.2km run then completed a 10km one the following day.  Wednesday was my rest day and then Thursday just didn't quite work out for a run.  I did make sure I got out for just over 6k on Friday though before heading off to work.  I was all set up to head out for my long run on Saturday but had a slight wardrobe malfunction 1km in and ended up coming home.  This left Sunday as the last day to complete my training for the week.  Even as I headed out just after 7.30 in the morning it was hot and humid but I was determined I was going to complete the run and get the hills in.  My legs felt very heavy but somehow I managed to run the first set of hills I had in mind (including the hill that often makes me walk).  Unfortunately I did walk a few of the hills in the second set but I still did them.  By the time I had finished the planned hills I was so close to home that it would have been easy to just head straight there.  BUT, I still had a good 10 minutes I was suppose to be running for and I really wanted to clock up another kilometre.  I did just that.  Another 14k banked and 39.4k all up for the week.  And I am now so close to 100k already for the year!  It was a very slow run today but that doesn't matter.  What matters is that I kept on going and I have completed my training for the week.  This coming week, I plan to run during the week very similar times to this week but come the weekend, I need to stay out there for a full 2hrs.  I know that I can do this and I will.

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