Sunday, 19 February 2017

Everything is mumbo jumbo here

What an odd few weeks I have had.  My first 20k run in my training plan for Rotorua when well (if a bit so) but I was stoked and managed to make it to the 21.1k mark with only a couple of little walking breaks in there.  I would have loved to have run further but I had run out of my water, it was hot and I was starting to get thirsty.  So come the next weekend when I had another 20k booked in I thought I would be smart - take my pack which holds extra water.  That way I would be able to just sneak in a couple more km (maybe even run my longest run to date).  That run was a disaster.  1.5L of water was consumed.  There was a lot of walking.  So much chaffing.  And then I was left feeling too hot to cope and physically sick.  At the time it was so defeating and while I still feel sad about that run, I have learnt from it as well.  Training for the following week took a little bit of a back foot but by the Thursday I was ready to head out again and beat some hills.  Then this Saturday just gone I managed my 15k training run and was super proud.

I guess I am writing about the ups and downs because it has really made me think about my running.  I need to continue to be proud that I am out there and getting in the distances on the pavements.  Walking for a while is not the end of the world.  Neither is slower paces.  What it is still doing for me is building my strength, building my resiliency within myself, giving me my ME time.  Running is still my passion.  I don't need to get better times all the time,  I don't need to keep a sub 6min km!  I just need to get out there and enjoy myself.

And with that - less than two weeks before Rotorua!!!!!  I am so looking forward to the challenge, the scenery that I will see and travelling the furthest I have every traveled for an event before.


  1. I can't believe it's only 2 weeks away! WIsh I could be up there to cheer you on! You've put in so much hard work I am sure that you will reap the rewards and have fun on the day!
