Sunday, 27 August 2017

North Range Traverse

So this time last year I took part in the Humdinger which was an 11k event up Hall Block Road and back down again.  This was the smallest distance in an inaugural event.  This year the event was back but this time as a trio - a 50k Ultra, 25k North Range Traverse and the 12k Humdinger.  I decided it was time for me to tackle the 25k event.  The weather could not have been better for the day - sun shining, just beautiful.  I was dropped at the start of the event and had just over 30 minutes to fill in.
I was nervous, yet excited, yet not sure how it was all going to go.  Kel and I had decided a few weeks earlier that we would run the event together.  For both of us it was the first time running this distance and we just wanted to have that support to get to the other end.  Finally 10am came and it was time to head off.  The first 3.5k of the run was a gradual incline - nothing too bad and I was able to keep a slow run going for most of this time.  It seemed like we had covered the first 1k in no time at all.  Maybe it was all the amazing scenery along the way!  I must say Mt Ruapehu looked superb!

These are just a collection of photos taken from along the way!  So the start of the race was on gravel road and after the aid station (with jet planes) at the 3.5k mark, the terrain changed to a 4WD track.  As we headed along the track, the grooves grew and the mud appeared.  In some places there was no way at all to avoid the mud.
Yep, that's me running through the mud.  I never thought I would enjoy doing something like that!  Well I guess that shows that you can even surprise yourself.  With 15k to go, we decided it was time to celebrate and get a photo with the marker.  I was also in awe of the wind turbines in front of us and the shear size of them.

Both Kel and I discussed how great we were still both feeling.  10k down and 15k to go so we continued to box on with a couple more jet planes to keep me going.  After this point, there were a couple of hills that were a little hard going and these were well and truly walked.  The worst one was between 17k and 18k and I really really just wished it would stop going up.  This was one of the first times during the race that I really thought to myself - WHAT AM I DOING?????  The top finally came and with it the last aid station.  It also meant we just had the last 7k to go and I had run this bit the year before and knew most of it was down hill.  We really started counting down the distance now, spurring each other along but still smiling.  Not sure where this energy came from with about 5k to go!

Somehow we were still smiling with 1k to go!!
That last km was hard - bloody hard.  Crossing the bridge and seeing the end in sight but still needing to get to it.  The feet were really sore and I was hot.  But I wasn't going to give up and Kel and I ran together that last little bit so that we crossed the finish line together!
Such an amazing day, experience and adventure.  I'm still in a little shock that I completed a 25k event and I even had fun along the way.  The company certainly helped with getting through to the end and hopefully this is the start of some good training for next year.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Manawatu Gorge!

When I was asked yesterday if I would like to run an out and back through the Manawatu Gorge on Sunday morning I thought yay!  This would be a perfect substitute for running the streets of Feilding by myself for 20km.  Instead I would have company, trails and still clock up close to the 20.  I quickly took up the offer, packed up a gear bag and set the alarm for an early for me Sunday morning.   Zoom ahead to Sunday morning and I arrived ready to go at 7am.  Kel and I set off seeing where our feet would take us headlamps on to light the way.   The beginning of the track is always trying with lots of stairs and uphills so I am use to walking the major part of this.  Problem is, parts I have run before just didn't gel with me today and I ended up walking a lot more of it that I was planning.  We got to see the sun starting to peek through the trees and knew that morning was coming.

 At 4km I was still smiling and the dew was setting on my beanie.  I thought - well the tough bit is done, lets have some fun now.

Kel and I kept on plodding on.  The legs ached like mad, they felt solid like lead and it was a struggle.  I had really thought based on past experiences with the gorge that we would get all the way to the other end in 1hr30 but it seemed neither of us could find our groove.  We ended up running to the end of the track that lead back down to the road.  There was no chance of getting all the way to the Ballance end!  That was a full 1hr30 and now it was time to turn around and do it all again backwards.  We made it back and spent a total of almost three hours on our feet, covering 15km.  At the time I was running through all the things in my head as to why I might not have been running as well today.  Was it the lack of water yesterday, the early start, no coffee before leaving home, the cold??  Or was it just that I have let my fitness levels drop so far.  I had really thought that I would be covering a lot closer to 20km today but I honestly don't think I would have managed any further than I did.  Not really a good feeling when in 6 weeks I have a 25km event to run!  At least I will have a running partner for that as well as Kel and I decided we would join each other and run it together as support.

I should be proud of today and what I ran.  And I did run ...

But sadly I feel disappointment.  Time to do a little more work I guess and try and build myself back up again.  We are hoping to run it again next month so we will see how that goes.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Manawatu Striders Half Marathon May 2017

I know it has been a long time since I have posted in here.  I have been running and I decided to quietly enter another event to keep me training as the weather got cooler and darker.  I did find the training hard and I didn't get out as much as I would have liked to but nevertheless on Sunday 28 May 2017 I lined up for my 9th half marathon.
I was honest with myself right from the start that I wasn't sure how this run would go.  I had been suffering from a sore leg and even now I am not quite sure what is wrong with it but I didn't want it to stop me from giving it a go.  I was just going to go at my pace and do what I could.

The first half of the race I felt great - a little pain in my leg but I was feeling the energy and feeling like I could do this.  One of my lovely running buddies Kate wasn't entered today but was there waiting for me at around the 6k mark and then at about 8k as I headed back down the river.  It was wonderful having the support out there and having a quick laugh with her.  She even took some in action shots for me.

At 10k I was still feeling great and another photo opportunity came my way.  I was smiling, I was enjoying what I had run and still feeling confident with what I had to run.
At around the 13k mark we started running on limestone.  And a nasty little piece of this decided to get into the back of my shoe.  I tried to flick it out without really stopping a couple of times but in the end I knew the only way to get it out was to stop, remove the shoes and get it out.  This ended up being the end of me as well.  Once I had stopped, my body felt all those aches and pains.  My legs didn't want to start running again and everything hurt.  I tried my hardest to get going again even if it was very slowly.  By 15k I was not feeling good at all and even trying to run most of the km and walk the last little bit wasn't really working.  I started to get very disheartened and then I remember that all I needed to do was finish the run and it didn't matter whether this was through walking or running.  With just over 1k to go, I think the following photo shows just how I was feeling.  I really don't like this photo but decided I needed to include it as it is part of how today went.
I finished my half marathon with a run to the end (after walking up most of the hill at the end) and had one of my slowest runs to date.  I do know I gave my all though this day and was so thankful for all the support of people out there.  And it was very nice to receive a medal at the end as well.
I also have to include this in right at the end.  This was made up for me by the lovely Kate and something that I need to remember.  Yes I am awesome!

Until next time and the next event!

Monday, 6 March 2017

Copthorne Hotel Off Road Half Marathon - Rotorua 5 March 2017

My first half marathon that was a substantial distance from home.  The first time I had slept somewhere other than in my bed the night before a run.  The first time I have ever run in Rotorua.  It really was a day of firsts!  Did it disappoint?  No it most certainly did not.  I had done all my training (bar a couple I missed for various reasons) and I honestly don't think I could have trained any differently for this event.  I had completed a number of trail runs leading up to this day and I have to say that running around and around Mt Lees just out of Feilding did help the legs with the ups, downs and dodging tree roots!

We arrived in Rotorua around 8.30 in the morning, found a park and then headed off to find out all the information I needed to know for the run and to also pick up my race pack.  So exciting - I got my first ever personalised bib.  This will be one to keep!

Then it was the dreading waiting time for the run to start.  We didn't start until 10am but I was able to meet the lovely Anne-Marie for the first time and we had a little catch up about our running and what it all meant for us.
I also had Belinda and her family there to support me and to cheer for me as I did set off.  It's amazing knowing people are there, calling your name and cheering you along!  The start of the race went with the gun going and everyone taking off.  Then in no time you are stopped again as the people bottle neck trying to get through the small area that leads you onto the tracks.  After that you are able to find your pace again and enjoy the views all around.  And what amazing views they were.
Like always I got about 2km in and wondered why I enter half marathons and would I make it to the end!  Those first 2km seemed to take forever but finally at almost the 3km mark I came across Kerry who had walked ahead to get some photos for me.  I was even able to manage a smile.
From here I carried on around the course, just wanting to run the whole of this first loop.  I discovered this was an achievement in itself as there was a bit of elevation.  Here are some photos of the trails and roads run.
You then approached the finish line and had all the spectators cheering you on as you reached a turn around point and started it all over again.  At this stage I had had drinks at the aid stations, Nuun from my drink bottles and only a small piece of licorice.  I didn't feel I needed to eat but in hindsight maybe I should have had more earlier.  Kerry had found a new spot and as I passed him for the second time I had completed around 13km of the 21.1km.  I will post a very honest photo of how I felt at this time.  I was hot, I was exhausted, I really didn't know how I was going to finish.  It wasn't a mental exhaustion, it was a physical one!

Kerry gave me some of his licorice twists at this stage and they were so good!  I enjoyed them so much.  And I kept on going.  From this stage on I did do a little running and walking.  I did what I needed to so that I could finish the run.  I loved all the trails through the forest, loved dodging the tree roots but I really didn't enjoy the roads that much at all.  They were hot and in the full sun.  After just over 2 1/2 hours I crossed that finish line and gosh was I glad to do that!  For me it was the most physically challenging half marathon I had ever run.  It was such an achievement for me.  I was able to catch up with Belinda and her family again which was great hearing how they had gone as well.

This was my 8th half marathon and I ran it to celebrate my 38th birthday.  I am so glad I set myself this challenge and as crazy as it sounds, I would like to go back and run it again in the future.  For now I am not quite sure what my next challenge will be but I still have some time to decide.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Everything is mumbo jumbo here

What an odd few weeks I have had.  My first 20k run in my training plan for Rotorua when well (if a bit so) but I was stoked and managed to make it to the 21.1k mark with only a couple of little walking breaks in there.  I would have loved to have run further but I had run out of my water, it was hot and I was starting to get thirsty.  So come the next weekend when I had another 20k booked in I thought I would be smart - take my pack which holds extra water.  That way I would be able to just sneak in a couple more km (maybe even run my longest run to date).  That run was a disaster.  1.5L of water was consumed.  There was a lot of walking.  So much chaffing.  And then I was left feeling too hot to cope and physically sick.  At the time it was so defeating and while I still feel sad about that run, I have learnt from it as well.  Training for the following week took a little bit of a back foot but by the Thursday I was ready to head out again and beat some hills.  Then this Saturday just gone I managed my 15k training run and was super proud.

I guess I am writing about the ups and downs because it has really made me think about my running.  I need to continue to be proud that I am out there and getting in the distances on the pavements.  Walking for a while is not the end of the world.  Neither is slower paces.  What it is still doing for me is building my strength, building my resiliency within myself, giving me my ME time.  Running is still my passion.  I don't need to get better times all the time,  I don't need to keep a sub 6min km!  I just need to get out there and enjoy myself.

And with that - less than two weeks before Rotorua!!!!!  I am so looking forward to the challenge, the scenery that I will see and travelling the furthest I have every traveled for an event before.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

2016 in review

I've been a little bit slack at writing anything lately and because of that I am quite late at writing my review for 2016.  I know that right at the beginning of the year I had the goal of completing two half marathons.  I had decided on The Great Forest Event (Waitarere) and Wellington Half Marathon.  I met this goal and more.  First up was The Great Forest Event and the best thing about this was I had a training partner for the first time ever and this made all those long runs seem not so long.  It also met I was able to try out some new running areas and I did a number of trail runs in preparation for the event.  I loved it and was even able to find a little go right at the end and cross the finish line with a smile.
I guess part of the problem with such a good run at this event, I thought the same was going to happen when I ran Wellington.  This was not the case unfortunately.  I started off well but I just ran out of go in the last few kms.  The positive was that I finished and it was another half marathon completed.
I came away from Wellington with a few injuries and this put me on the back foot for a while.  I discovered I was wearing the wrong shoes and it was making the whole running experience painful.  Forward a few months, I was improving and a new event of the Manawatu was advertised.  The North Range Traverse and the Humdinger.  I settled for the Humdinger which was 11km but half of this was up hill.  I really enjoyed it and did so much better than I imagined.  Even better I was able to win a spot prize which was entry into Feilding Half Marathon!  That would mean completing 3 half marathons in one year!  And 7 half marathons in total.  After the recent events I decided on no time goal for Feilding but rather to just complete the whole course running (I had been walking in the previous events).  It ended up being my slowest time to date but I ran it all!  I finished the year having run over 1000km.  Such a huge achievement for me.  

Now a new year is upon me.  I have already registered for my first event for 2017 and will be heading to Rotorua in March to complete the Off Road Half Marathon there.  To say I am excited would be a bit of an understatement!  I'm not sure what else is on the cards for this year yet, but I promise to keep updating you all in here.

Until next time ...