Saturday, 7 May 2016

Mother's Day!

What a mother's day I have had this year!  I managed to get myself a new pair of new runners and I think everyone who runs knows just what it is like to get some new shoes!!!  Check them out:

 I also took part in a Mother's Day 5k Fun Run/Walk.  It was organised by Jennian Homes and held over in Palmerston North.  It ended up that this was going to be the only run I would get in this weekend so I decided I would give it my all.  The new shoes would have to wait for another day to get tried out as I wasn't too sure just what the running conditions would be like for today but I did know that it started at a park so thought best not to cover the new shoes in mud just yet.  I have to say I did give it my all.  I ran my heart (and lungs) out.  The run was measured at 5km.  I measured it at just under (4.85km) but what I do know is I haven't run that distance in that sort of time before.  A personal best I managed:
I had fun - that's a big part of the day, I got an awesome new shirt for running it and I proved that I can push myself.  Until next time (but here's a photo from not long after I finished showing off that shirt!)


  1. So impressed with that time. Love the tee too. Did it start at Ongley park?

    1. It sure did! And then along the riverside
