Saturday, 9 April 2016

The Great Forest Event!

This time last year I was settling the nerves before embarking on my first ever off road half marathon.  Today I am resting up and recovering from running it yesterday.  So what was it like second time around?  Here's my report (as best as I can remember that it!!)
We arrived at Waitarere rather early!  Just after 7.30 but in a way that was great because we got a park very close to the registration tent so could leave things in the car while getting all our numbers, etc.  Then there was that nervous waiting and nervous visits to the toilet again - just in case.  Finally at 8.45 we were all called in for a race briefing before heading out to the start line.  Kate (my running buddy) and I headed off together and made sure we got a photo of ourselves before heading out on this run.  Here we are looking all fresh face, full of excitement and ready to go.

We wished each other good luck and see you at the finish line and got ourselves into position.  Early in the month I had set some goals in the back of my mind for today but as the event grew closer and everything got busier I decided to take some pressure off myself and not have a goal in mind for today.  I decided I would just set myself at a comfortable pace, listen to my body (I went music free this year) and just see how I went.  By the second km in I realised my pace was very quick for me and tried to slow it down a little.  I was feeling good and by the fourth km I think I was probably at a lot better pace of just over 5.30min/km.  I had my Nuun in my drink bottles and drunk a little as I needed too.  I also had water at the first aid station just over 3km in as felt a little thirsty.  I was just in my own little running zone, people passed me, I passed some people.  I was comfortable.  I was enjoying watching the km signs counting up as a passed them and before I know it I was at the 11km mark and knew that in my head I could start counting down soon.  Something happened at the 12km mark though.  I felt a bit of a struggle and had a moment of 'Why am I doing this?, I'm not designed for this, I can't make it to the end today!' but by the time I reached 14km I had gained what I can only describe as a second wind!  I felt really positive again and felt like I could do anything.  Looking back at my splits my times really got up in that second half (there was one nasty slope just after the 10km mark!) but maybe this was also me settling into where I was comfortable.  I visited two aid stations in that second half of the run, the last one at around the 18km mark where I was starting to feel it.  And I think this was when I hit the brick wall.  I tried everything in my brain - all the positive 'you can do it', 'you have got this' ' this is for ......' but in the end nothing worked.  Suddenly my feet stopped moving.  I wasn't going to give up though.  I was going to finished this event whatever it took.  Over that last 3km I probably stopped and walked half a dozen times.  This was also when I had a lot of people from the 10km event charging past.  I tried to ignore them and just concentrate on me and getting myself to the end.  By the time I had 2km to go I could see the tops of the tent by the finish line but they still looked so far away.  I was so thirsty as well but had run out of Nuun in my drink bottles by now so just had to deal with it.  I had another runner pass me as I stopped to walk and she encouraged me that it wasn't far to go now and that I had it.  This started me running again.  The 1km to go sign came and I wanted to run all the way to the finish line (didn't happen but the walking spell was very short).  Then the final corner and the uphill slope before coming down to the race way.  There was music there and people cheering you on.  Somehow I managed to find a little extra in the tank and gave it my all to get to that finish line.  My splits show I even managed to get a bit of pace on for those last 200m!!  Wow, I had done it, I had crossed the finish line (and managed to hit stop on my watch).  This is when I realised just how much I had put into my race.  My legs where shaking and as they handed me a drink and some fruit I had to steady myself (Luckily my husband was there and I grabbed his arm).  I decided I had better go sit down.  I walked myself over to a chair but I was shaking so much I struggled to sit and one of the event support crew was there and she helped me into the chair and told me just to sit there and take a little time.  She got me some water and I just sat.  I don't know how long I sat for but I was up and back at the finish line in time to see Kate cross over as well.  We had done it.  Now it was time to collect our medals and pose in the photo frame.
My official time came in at 2:04:26.  A whole 5:24 off last years time!  Am I proud - yes I am.  Did I give it my all - I think I can say I did.  Do I want to do it again - I think so.  Did I learn from this run - yes.  I learnt I need to believe in myself.  I learnt that walking doesn't slow you down too much.  I learnt that times get tough during a race, outside influences can play a part but deep down inside you find a way to get through it all.  Thank you to everyone who helped to make today the success it was for me.


  1. I'm really proud of you - honestLy! Such an amazing time AND improvement from last year. Great read!

    1. Thank you very much Kate. I think all that different training we did certainly paid off!
