Saturday, 5 November 2016

Feilding Half Marathon

Even though Feilding is my home town, I have never run the half marathon that has been held here for the past 20 years.  It is an out and back course and follows the same route as the full marathon.

 Most of the run is on country roads and because I had done a practice run a few weeks ago that covered part of the course, I was prepared for the long, straight roads that I would be facing.  In some ways this certainly did help me mentally.  This half marathon though was a new experience for me in that it was a very small field of runners and they were fast!  I had gone into this half marathon with no time goal in mind for me.  I needed to do this as time has been a big factor for me so often this year and then the disappointment sets in.  Instead, today was all about just getting out there and running the half marathon and that I did.  It was my slowest half marathon to date but I'm okay about that.  I spent a large part running on my own and at times there was no one is sight either.  I guess that is what happens when there is a small field.  I got first in my age group but then again I was the only one in my age group.
Right, back to the race.  It started at Timona park and the first little bit was running along the grass and out to the road.  While I had been nervous about starting, once that gun went off I just went into concentration mode.  I was even able to give a wave to one of my support people!
I just kept going at a pace I was comfortable at and a pace I felt I would be able to maintain for the majority of the race.  Around the 2km mark was a curve in the road that was not the nicest and hard on the knees and ankles so I took this easy and then got back into it.  The first aid station approached around 3km and I was feeling good so didn't stop.  It was drizzling at this stage and I was enjoying the moisture on me.   By the next aid station, I needed some water as I knew there were a few uphills to come.  Then another not nice curve to run and a couple of lumps in the road before the turn around point came into view.  I was still feeling quite good at this stage and still running.  After turning, I had a gel just to help my energy levels.  The aid station approached again and I was feeling hot so downed two waters and kept running.  Then I started counting down the kms to go.  In some ways, I could not believe I was on the countdown already.  By the time I go back to the turning point for the 5km run I knew in my mind I could keep going and run all the way to the end.  Back in town, the mind got a bit of a work out but suddenly I was turning back onto the last street and the finish line was in sight.  And wow, I had a cheerleader cheering me on!  This spurred me on and Belinda running beside me for those last few hundred metres made me run even faster!
I used that last bit of power and energy in my legs to sprint it out to the end!  And standing at the end was my running buddy Kate supporting me as well!
For me, it was one of the most special finishes.  I had done it.  It was half marathon number 7 completed.  Such an achievement.  A great catch up with friends and a time to celebrate.